Thursday, November 6, 2008

Barack Obama is Elected President

By means of a landslide electoral vote victory, Sen. Barack Obama now claims the title of President Elect Barack Obama. On election night, Tuesday November 4th 2008, at 11:00 p.m. E.T. exactly, CNN projected from exit polls in California and Virginia that Barack would carry those states, pushing him over the 270 necessary electoral votes for victory.

The scene across the nation, and the world for that matter, was indescribable.

Young students of the Atlanta University Center took to the streets in pandemonium and celebration. The massive crowd in the city of Chicago which attended Obama's rally was filled with joy, with both cheers and tears if joy. The more seasoned generation of African-Americans could not contain their emotions. On the television were people such as the Rev. Jesse Jackson, Colin Powell, and Oprah Winfrey crying for joy and elation, noting the many struggles that have been endured by the African-American race just to get to this historic point in history.

The as if the victory was not impressive enough, with a count of 338 to 156 electoral votes, but the fact that Obama carried many states that had a history of being red is highly impressive.